Welcome to the
Chester Massachusetts Railway Station & Museum.
10 Prospect St.
Chester, MA 01011
Hobo Harvest Dinner
Saturday, October 13th, 2018 - 4:30-6:30.
Recommended (413-354-7878)
Home-cooked Buffet Menu includes: �Trackside� Beef Stew, Corn Pudding (from the
New Haven RR recipe book) Rolls and Butter for dessert, Apple, or Pumpkin Pie
(ala mode, or w/ whipped cream) or Apple Crisp. Beverages are coffee, tea, apple
The cost is $12 adults, $6 children under 12, children under 3, FREE.
Chester on Track
Saturday, May 18, 2019
with the parade at 10:00.
Rain or Shine.
The Chester Foundation is a non-profit organization made up of volunteers to run
The Chester Railway Station museum and event venue.
We welcome volunteers to help out with the
events held and the upkeep of this magnificent historic building.
Chester Massachusetts.
Come join us all season long for a trip down the Chester Railroad memory lane at our 1840's restored Depot and Museum with rolling stock including an early steam engine, two boxcars you can enter with museum articles to study, a Baker's Chocolate tanker, our Blue Caboose kitchen with two cook stoves available for parties, a campout wooden caboose available for sleepovers and a small rail work car.
A full wrap-around deck encompasses the depot with a large stage at one end for concerts, speeches or just to have a relaxing picnic.
There is no charge to visit the depot museum and a modest fee to rent the facility. We do encourage donations to help support the stations existance. You will not believe what you will find at our treasured historic building and museum.
Study our web site and discover more of what we have to offer.
All Powered by
-----The Chester Foundation-----